The Tom D. Morton Award is given to a Texas association executive for excellence, service to members, personal and professional accomplishments, and achievements. Tom D. Morton was an executive vice president of the Houston Association of REALTORS® who established new standards for executive officers around the nation.

Fill out and submit the award application.

Questions? Contact Jon Houser.

Nomination Guidelines and Qualifications

Who was Tom D. Morton?

Tom D. Morton (1927-1987) was the executive vice president of the Houston Association of REALTORS® for twenty years. During his tenure, he established new standards for executive officers around the nation. He was a leader and an example for each of us. His untimely death in December 1987 caused us to reflect on our jobs and ourselves.


As a way of honoring him and reminding us of the excellence he displayed, the Texas REALTORS® Association Executive Council and the Houston Association of REALTORS® established the Tom D. Morton Memorial Award. This award is designed to recognize association executives for their excellence, their service to their members, and their personal and professional accomplishments and achievements. This award is not to be considered an annual award.


Nominations can be submitted by any person other than the candidate and must be submitted on the appropriate nomination form. If an association executive was nominated the previous year and was not the recipient, the nomination form will be returned to the board leadership with instruction to update the information and approval to resubmit the nomination form.

Previous recipients may be re-nominated after an eight-year period and only those new activities completed since awarded will be considered.

Selection timeline

Nomination forms will be posted at in October. The Awards Selection Committee will review and identify AEs who are eligible for the nomination at the Texas REALTORS® Conference in December. The committee will contact the leadership of those boards to encourage them to complete the nomination form. If a qualified candidate is selected by the Awards Selection Committee, the award will be presented the following year at the Texas REALTORS® Winter Meeting in February.

Nomination criteria
  • Must be a local board association executive, executive vice president, or CEO
  • AE/EVP/CEO career at least a total of five years in Texas
  • Work a minimum of 30 hours per week
  • Cannot have received the award within the past eight years
  • Only those new activities completed since last awarded will be considered
  • Must have earned the RCE designation.