Michica Guillory
Designations: AHWD, GRI, TRLP, C2EX, TACS, TRRS
The Guillory Group Real Estate
Missouri City
(832) 768-1711
If there’s going to be a conversation about trailblazers breaking barriers in Texas real estate, then broker Michica ‘Mish’ Guillory must be added to the dialogue. It would be simple to rattle off the usual resume bullet point items like more than 23 years of experience in real estate, experience conducting both residential and commercial transactions and owning her own boutique brokerage – The Guillory Group Real Estate Firm, Inc. But that doesn’t begin to scratch the surface of her true accomplishments in the real estate industry.
As a Black woman and a proud member of the National Association of REALTORS®, Mish has a track record of historical “firsts” in the industry and is sometimes the only one doing some of the things she’s doing. Here’s a glimpse of some of her achievements:
• In 2014, she opened Texas’ only TREC-licensed real estate school dedicated solely to commercial real estate education.
• She is the first person, the first woman and the first African-American REALTOR® to earn the Texas Accredited Commercial Specialist certification from Texas REALTORS®.
• She is one of an elite group of educators – less than 10 of more than 200 educators—to hold the title of Senior Instructor and is one of only two African Americans to hold the Texas REALTORS® title.
• In 2021, that year represented the first time the Commercial Committee of Texas REALTORS® had three women holding its top three appointed positions of Chair, Vice Chair and Liaison, with Michica holding the 3rd position of liaison.
• She is now the chair of the Commercial Committee after serving as the Vice Chair in 2022.
• Adding to her list of real estate firsts, Mish is the first African American to simultaneously serve on the Executive Board of Texas REALTORS® as the Commercial Appointee while serving as the Commercial Committee Chair.
• Mish is also the creator of the wildly popular “Commercial Leasing 101®” commercial real estate bootcamp-style series of courses, which have been administered to real estate professionals from California to Texas to Georgia. And yes, this businesswoman is smart enough to hold the copyrights as well as the trademarks to her work, which several have foolishly attempted to duplicate!
If it’s not already apparent, Mish’s passion is commercial real estate with a focus on leasing and property management. During her successful career, she’s worn many shoes – some stilettos and some steel-toed boots! While managing properties for institutional level investors and landlords, she’s taken on some of the world’s largest global corporate tenants to recover more than six figures of unreimbursed expenses for her clients and has done the same in recovering five figures of unpaid expenses from government entities. Those who know her often say affectionately, “Mish don’t play.”
Within the REALTOR® organization, Michica is active on the local, state and national levels:
Houston Association of REALTORS®: Mish was re-appointed in 2021 to serve again as the Virtual Engage Conference Co-Chair; published or quoted several times in “Houston REALTOR® Magazine” and a former member of the Professional Development Advisory Board. She’s also served on the TREPAC Advisory Group, the Professional Development Advisory Group, the Risk Reduction Advisory Group as well as the Safety Task Force. Mish is also a major contributor to TREPAC at the Sterling R level.
Texas REALTORS®: Michica is a proud member of the 2021-23 Board of Directors-Houston Area Representative, currently serving as the Commercial Appointee to the Executive Board. She is also the current Chair of the Commercial Committee. Again, she’s served on the Member Benefits Committee, is a designation instructor (TACS, GRI and AHWD) and is both published and quoted occasionally in “Texas REALTOR® Magazine.”
National Association of REALTORS®: Mish is a former member of the “Commercial Connections Magazine” Advisory Team and has been published in the publication, as well.
If you’re not a member of Houston’s real estate community, then you might have seen her as a real estate and general contributor on Fox 26’s “Isiah Factor Uncensored,” which also appears on the streaming Fox Soul platform.
Meanwhile, Michica has a strong work ethic and believes in empowering budding entrepreneurs. To this end, she’s shared her real estate curriculum through creative partnerships with the Houston Business Development, Inc., the City of Houston’s “Liftoff Houston Business Plan Competition,” the National Association of Women Business Owners, the Bay Area Commercial Real Estate Network and more. She’s also developed a special curriculum called B.Y.O.B. (Be Your Own Boss) for salaried employees who want to learn about becoming entrepreneurs.
In her spare time, she’s a tremendous advocate of community service. Michica served for 8 years on the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo’s Recycling Committee, spending three of those years as a Captain for the committee. She also served for 3 years as a rodeo scholarship judge. She’s worked for 25 consecutive years with the Texas Executive Women’s girls’ outreach and mentoring programs in Alief ISD and Aldine ISD for freshmen and upperclassmen called “Ladies of Excellence” and “Ladies of Distinction,” respectively. That service only concluded as a result of the programs’ closing after 2020’s COVID quarantine.
She has served on the board of the local chapter of the NAACP, served several years as a Black History Month scholarship judge for Coca~Cola, moderated a community event for the March of Dimes, built homes with the Habitat for Humanity, babysat for a local “Mom’s Day Out” program for mother’s with physically and mentally disabled children, and served as a committee member for 6 years with The Thanksgiving Houston SuperFeast.
About Me
Michica N. Guillory has been a fixture in Houston’s commercial real estate scene for more than 20 years, conducting both residential and commercial transactions. Now the owner of her own boutique brokerage – The Guillory Group Real Estate Firm, Inc. – she also owns The Guillory Group School of Real Estate, dedicated exclusively to teaching the “basics and beyond” of commercial lease transactions. It is the only state-licensed real estate school in Texas that focuses exclusively on commercial leasing education.
Service Areas
Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Montgomery
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and Sellers